Here’s What Your Sleeping Position Tells About Your Personality

When we fall asleep, we become completely open and true to ourselves. There are no masks, no roles to play, and we don’t have to prove anything to anyone. It’s a vulnerable and sincere state that allows us to let go, relax, and act natural. This is when your body chooses a position that best suits your personality or current state of mind. You can curl into a fetal position feeling too sensitive or spread out like a starfish, craving attention. Each sleeping position tells something about your personality that you might otherwise never notice!

Fetal position

Fetal position is one of the most common ways both men and women go to sleep. If you like to fall asleep all curled up into a ball, this means a few things: you lack a sense of security and try get back that warm feeling of being hidden inside a mother’s womb; you’re a bit shy with new people, but open up pretty quickly.

Fetal sleeping position | Here's What Your Sleeping Position Tells About Your Personality | Her Beauty

On your tummy

If you like sleeping on your stomach, then your personality is quite irritable. This is mostly caused by the amount of pain you experience upon waking up. Sleeping in this position causes muscle stiffness, neck pain, and various spasms. If this sounds familiar, think about changing your sleeping position and you’ll see how grumpy mornings will turn into easy and pleasant wake-ups.

Sleeping on your tummy | Here's What Your Sleeping Position Tells About Your Personality | Her Beauty

Like a log

If your most favorite sleeping position is on your side with arms and legs stretched-out in a relaxing way, then you’re sleeping in the so-called ‘log’ position. This means you have an open and easy-going personality, being a real social butterfly. You also trust people, maybe too much! It’s the second most common sleeping position after the fetal one.

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