Robert Irwin Recreates Legendary Photos Of His Father

Robert Irwin Recreates Legendary Photos Of His Father

We all grew up watching Steve Irwin courageous get way too close to some pretty dangerous animals to tell us everything he knows about them and how we can help those animals thrive. He loved animals and always talked about them with such wonder and amazement, which is why lots of people loved watching him, it was possibly the best show on TV that kept you entertained and educated you about wildlife at the same time. We were all devastated when he passed away, but Steve’s family continues on his path to this day. His wife and both of his kids still continue his legendary mission, educating people about wildlife and they’ve been trying their best to help out as much as they can during the recent bushfires in Australia. But there’s one member of that family that is talked about more often — Steve’s son Robert.

Ever since he was little many people noticed that Robert takes after his father, both in his fascination with animals and his looks. And which every year, the more he grows up and matures the more Robert looks like his famous dad. Here are some pictures where Robert is seen looking very similar to his dad, and sometimes he even goes the extra mile and recreates his father’s photos – that’s when we can see how uncanny the similarities really are.

Here’s Steve Irwin with a koala. Pretty sweet photo, don’t you think?

Well here’s Steve’s son Robert also with a koala. You can see the similarities right away, can’t you?

Steve And Robert side by side holding a wombat. Wombats are pretty freaking cute, but the father-son thing is possibly even cuter.

Steve was famously very fond of crocodiles and it looks like Robert also has a soft spot for these scaly beasts. We’re pretty sure he just simply inherited that love for crocodiles, it’s in his blood.

Snake anyone? Some people find snakes to be creepy and would run in the opposite direction if they saw a snake, but clearly both Steve and Robert don’t feel like that. They think snakes are cute, so they take photos with them.

This is our favourite photo ever. Robert actually recreated the photo of his father in the same spot and with the same crocodile. What’s even more impressive is that he’s even in the same position, and has the same body language. It’s probably something you can’t really stage when you have a crocodile in front of you. It just goes to show that he just takes after his dad in so many ways.

More adorable koala shots, this time side by side. We just can’t get over how freaking adorable these guys are. The koalas are pretty cute too.

More snakes, and look at how happy both Steve and Robert look. There’s no fear in their eyes, just wonder and amazement and how brilliant the animal is. We should all be a bit more like Steve and Robert.

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